Thursday, April 10, 2008


Okay, my mom will especially get a kick out of this one...

So yesterday at lunch Graham decided he wanted a waffle. He used to call them "waffo", he has however changed to "faffo".

So, yesterday when he proceeded to say "faffo" I tried to correct him. "W-W-W ... Waffle" I said

"W-W-W ... Faffo" He said

We repeated this several times and it got to the point where I was laughing so hard at him, and he too started laughing each time he said "W-W-W ... Faffo"

It was all to no avail... it is still "Faffo"

The part that makes this so funny to me is that when I was three (just little older than him) I remember a family trip to California which my entire family tried to teach me to say "Coke", as I called it "Toke"

They would say "C-C-C Coke". I would reply "C-C-C Toke"
And this was repeatedly done through the entire trip... and it still was "Toke"
It sure is funny how things come full circle!


The Easton Family said...

Alright... it's been two months since your last posting... your readers are anxiously awaiting something new! :)

Jen and Dakota said...

Time to update Annie! I agree with the above post!... =)

Xsusha said...

NEW POST!- Love Carly

The Easton Family said...

How is your reading going? I realized that that must be why you have been neglecting us readers of your blog. We anxiously await the posting of something new in the Bryan world! :)