Thursday, November 20, 2008

About Me

I got this in an email (thanks Christina) and decided since I haven't been super inspired to blog, that I would "reply" here....

Two Names you go by:
1. Annie
2. Mom
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. Cords
2. Sweater (it's cold today!)
Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Craft-pretty much anything
2. Relaxing with Tommy
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. A massage - I have had a crick in my neck this whole week and it is making my neck, back shoulder hurt :(
2. A healthy child
Two favorite pets you have had/have:
1. Sophie
2. Abbie
Two things you did last night:
1. Stayed up with a sick kid
2. Listened to Tommy read Breaking Dawn aloud
Two things you have eaten today:
1. Cereal
2. Left overs from dinner last night, Garlic Butter Chicken Tortellini, YUM!
Two people you last talked to:
1. Graham
Two places you have been in the past year:
1. Las Vegas (3 times)
2. Florida
Two favorite beverages:
1. Since they are selling now, Egg Nog
2. Milk or water

1 comment:

Coach A said...

Ha HA!! I was wondering why you did not respond to me!