So, Graham is finally starting to use sentences when he speaks (many times words are completely out of order or mushed together to create new words, but he is still doing it; which after a lot of hard work and persuasion, feels really good) and he has started saying some of the cutest things. (They are probably just cute to me because I am his mom, but humor me!) Here are some of his favorite things to say and my favorite to hear... because right now his favorite things to say are "no" and "I don't want to..." but those are not MY favorite to hear... so here is my list:
Dat's cooool
Oh, tank you mommy (he says that to anything... makes me melt)
awwwwww man
I sad (I don't love hearing he's sad,
but it is so cute that he understands his emotions and tells us)
But by far the funniest is that he insists on calling Tommy "Tommy", not "daddy." I am constantly correcting him (he calls me Annie too, but not near as often) but he continues. And to top it off he is in a "I love daddy more than anything" stage and so he will ask "Where is Tommy?" all day long and my reply is usually "At work"
(it is really sweet, even if I am a tad bit jealous... I have been out of town for an entire week and not one word of where is mommy, but daddy is gone for two hours and he is concerned... he is definitely a daddy's boy!!)
Tommy usually gets Graham going in the morning (and lets me get a little more sleep. Yes, he is amazing!) So the other day when Graham was calling me to come get him, I had to go - since he usually tells me to go away - So, I go down to his room and do you know what the first words out of his mouth were?? "Good Morning", "Hi Mommy", "Taake Milk", "Waffo", a smile even??? NOPE, it was "Where is Tommy?" So, I got him some breakfast and then I went upstairs and notified Tommy that his son wanted him... I guess there are some advantages to being the "Black Sheep Parent"... I got to go back to bed!
But regardless of who Graham is clinging to at the moment, he is my little guy and I love him dearly. He is constantly making me laugh and he is such a happy boy! (minus the toddler breakdowns)
At least Graham shows you some respect. I'm the one he pokes in the face and thinks it's funny!
So far my older 2 boys have gone through a phase where they call Nate "Nate" instead of Dad. It's rare that they refer to me as anything but Mom. But I think it's funny that they call Nate "Nate" although I feel like a single mom dating a boyfriend that my kids call by his first name. Kids are funny.
Can we talk about what an adorable picture this is? I understand the being pushed away thing - Sydney does it too! She loves Daddy way more and asks for him constantly on a daily basis. But you're right - we do get a bit of a break once in a while! Great job Graham on the sentences! how cute!
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